Securing SSH


Quick how-to secure your ssh on linux server.


  1. First add user

    sudo adduser <UserName>
  2. Add user to sudoer group

    sudo usermod -aG sudo <UserName>
  3. Edit ssh configuration file

    sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    Add these to end of the file:

    ClientAliveInterval 360 # ssh Timeout
    ClientAliveCountMax 0 
    PermitEmptyPasswords no #Empty password text not permited
    AllowUsers <UserName> # Only alows entered users here
    Protocol 2 # User ssh protocol 2 (Latest)
    Port 222 # Change Port
  4. Copy your ssh key to the server via (Mac/Linux)

    ssh-copy-id <UserName>@ -p 222 For Windows: Login via ssh, cd into .ssh folder
    nano authorized_keys Now you have created a new file where you can copy your personal computers pub key. Once you have completed above instructions, now you can disable password login
    sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config add last line to the config file
    PasswordAuthentication no
  5. Restart ssh services

     sudo service sshd restart
Written on October 20, 2021